
Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership Board Register of Interests


Kevin Jacob, FOP Senior Democratic Services Officer


12 June 2024





This paper asks the Board to agree to the introduction of a Register of Board Members’ interests and to the circulation of the attached Registration of Interests Form.


Actions for the Board:



1.     That the Board agree the introduction of a Register of Board interests.


2.     That subject to any amendments proposed at the meeting, the Board approve the draft Register of Interest form and guidance for circulation to LNP Board members with the exception of the local authority councillor and local authority council officer representatives.







1.    The purpose of the register is to give board members the mechanism to declare any private interests which may conflict, or may be perceived to conflict, with their duties as board Members. The Board is made up of individuals who represent other organisations who share an interest in the aims and field of operation of the LNP. At times, the LNP Board may make decisions or grant approval to matters which may – directly or indirectly – affect the financial or other wellbeing of those other organisations. 


2.    The attached draft register of interest form and associated guidance has been developed to seek to strike the correct balance between achieving necessary transparency and openness whilst not making completion or administration of the register an onerous process. Appropriate guidance on the draft has been sought from expert officers at South and Vale Councils and third-party advisers to the Association of Democratic Services Officers.


3.    The Register would not be open for public access but will be open to inspection by the Board Members and by senior officers of the Local Authorities in whose areas the LNP operates.  The contents of the register may also be disclosed by the LNP to government or supervisory authorities with a right to audit its activities or records and to its professional advisers.


4.    Council officers and councillors are covered by separate codes of conduct and duties about registering any interests and therefore this register and guidance is not applicable to those Board representatives.